Did Your Phone Drop in Water? Here’s How to Fix It

It’s not just about the phone dropping in water, but it can happen anyway. For instance, what if there’s a sudden downpour when you’re out for a walk? It might have happened with a lot of people at the most unexpected times.

Having some knowledge and to-dos can save you from spending a lot on your new phone. Not every phone will work the same way, but if you’re lucky enough, the tricks might save yours! Below is a guide or the tricks to follow in a soaked smartphone situation.

Did Your Phone Drop in Water? Here’s How to Fix It

Get Your Phone Out of the Water

If you’ve dropped your phone in water; it is advised to take it out as soon as possible. Each second your phone is exposed to water, it can lessen the chances of fixing your smartphone. In case it starts raining, wrap your phone in a material that helps to keep out water, such as plastic. Thus, it goes without saying that you must take action immediately to avoid investing all over again.

Turn off Your Smartphone and Remove Accessories

Once you pull out your phone safely, turn it off if it has not happened by default. In case your phone was plugged in for charging while water spilled over it, turn off the switch and remove the plug. You’re also advised to remove accessories like phone case, SD card, SIM card, etc. It is because these accessories can damage your device, if not removed.

Use a Lint-Free Towel to Dry Your Device

A lint-free towel is a go-to cloth to dry your phone. If in case, you don’t have a lint-free towel at your place, you can use a paper cloth as a substitute. Make sure to dry your phone completely including the front and back, headphone jack, charging port, and all other possible nooks.

Clean the Insides of Your Phone

Once you’ve dried out your phone from the outside, go for its insides. Below are the three possible ways to dry out your phone based on the availability of the products.

Note: Do not use high heat formula as it can cause a lot more damage to your phone.

Use the ‘Emergency Kit’ method

The ‘Emergency Kits’ are available in the market used to absorb the moisture of your phone. All you have to do is keep your phone inside the kit and seal the top. Leave the kit with the phone for a minimum of 24 hours. The kit is hard to find everywhere, but it can be ordered from Amazon. In case you’re going for a vacation, don’t forget to take one of these as a backup.

Note: The ‘Emergency Kits’ cannot be reused.

Use the ‘Smartphone in Rice’ method

Keeping your phone in a bowl full of uncooked rice is a traditional method of soaking out the moisture from your phone. Whenever you switch on your phone after the process, make sure there are no grains left in the battery area or the ports. You can follow these steps:

  • Turn off your phone before using this method.
  • Put your phone deep in a container so that the rice completely surrounds it.
  • Place your phone below a lamp to evaporate the moisture.
  • Let your phone rest for a while. Do not switch on your phone for at least before 24 hours.

Use the ‘Air it Out’ method

Suppose you don’t have access to any emergency kit or rice, this is the final procedure you can follow to try saving your phone. Look for a place with air movement, such as under a fan. If not, laptops or TV vents can work as well. Place your phone in front of these vents or under a fan so that it helps evaporate the water.

Finally, after trying all the above methods, your smartphone should start working. If not, don’t lose hope and try charging your phone for a while. Once charged, check if it’s working or not. If it doesn’t work, try contacting a professional.

SOURCE:- Did Your Phone Drop in Water? Here’s How to Fix It
