How to Fix the Blue Screen Errors in Windows 10

Whenever a system crash or any other major issue takes place, your screen goes blank, and a blue screen takes place. You may see this screen while you’re updating a new version of Windows, or anytime your system appears to be unable to process. This is weird that there is no other information available apart from the blue screen to understand and fix the error.

Though, the problem is always assumed to be with the upgrading of your Windows and problems with access to Desktop. Looking forward to answering all your questions and queries regarding the fix to the blue screen, so let us get started!

Fixing Blue screen errors while updating Windows 10

It’s observed that whenever the Blue screen appears while updating your system to a new version of Windows 10, it undo everything and gets you back to the basic old version of Windows. Following are the ways you can try to fix the Blue screen error while updating your PC:

Uninstall the blocking apps

The steps to uninstall a blocking app that is not much of help while updating your PC are:

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ app from the search bar on your PC.
  2. Select the ‘Apps’ menu from the list.
  3. Tap on the ‘Apps & Features’ button from the toolbar on the left of the screen.
  4. A list of apps will appear under the ‘Apps & Features’ section, select the app you want to delete, and click on the ‘Uninstall’ button.
  5. Tap on the ‘Uninstall’ button on the confirmation pop-up that appears, and proceed with the directions.

You can uninstall other applications by following the same steps and try updating your system. If you want to reinstall the apps, you can do the same once the Windows are updated.

Reinstall the installation files

An installation file that is not working properly can also turn out to be the reason for a Blue screen error. Therefore, in such a case, you can erase the existing files and reinstall the same using the Windows update. The steps to do the same are as follows:

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ app.
  2. Select the ‘System’ menu from the list.
  3. Tap on the ‘Storage’ button from the toolbar on the left of the screen.
  4. Click on the ‘Temporary Files’ button under the storage section.
  5. The applications that can be removed will appear on the next window after a scan.
  6. Tap on the checkbox for ‘Temporary Windows Installation Files’ to mark the same.
  7. Tap the ‘Remove Files’ option.

Once you’re done with the above steps, you can try updating your PC.

Inspect the upgrade issue

‘SetupDiag’ is a free tool that can be used to inspect the upgrade problem, and that also determines the reason for the Blue screen by updating your Windows version. The steps to use this tool are:

  1. Use any Browser and open the ‘SetupDiag’ download page.
  2. Click on the ‘Download SetupDiag’ button highlighted in blue color.
  3. Choose a folder/file to download the tool.
  4. Tap on the ‘Save’ option.
  5. Once the tool is downloaded, locate the destination and right-click on the tool.
  6. A pop-up menu will appear. Click on the ‘Run as administrator’ option.
  7. Next, right-click on the file and tap ‘Open.’

When you complete the steps above, the log record will open with the default text editor application, and it’ll show the outcomes detected by the tool.

Also, the logs will detail the important data to decide why your system appears as a blue screen during the update.

Remove the non-essential peripherals

A Hardware issue can also be the reason behind a system crash. Thus, to resolve the issue, you can remove all the unwanted peripherals like printers, USB connections, etc.

Once the updating process is successful, you can reconnect the external peripherals for use.

Start the upgradation from scratch

It is advised to conduct an update by removing the existing data and starting clean. This can avoid the Blue screen error and give your system a fresh start. Though, you can keep your data backup to avoid losing anything.

The steps for a clean installation of Windows 10 version update are:

  1. Start the Windows 10 installation on your system.
  2. Click on the ‘Next’ button on the ‘Windows Setup’ dialog box.
  3. Tap on the ‘Install Now’ button.
  4. Tap on the ‘I don’t have a product key’ button on the bottom of the window, and select the Windows 10 edition.
  5. Tap on the ‘Next’ button to continue.
  6. Tap on the checkbox for ‘I accept the license terms’ to mark the same, and click on the ‘Next’ button.
  7. Select the ‘Custom: Install Windows Only (Advanced)’ option on the next window.
  8. To remove the partition from the hard drive, select one from the next window and tap on the ‘Delete’ button.

You can delete multiple partitions as well.

  1. Tap and select the empty drive and click on the ‘Next’ button.

The setup will start its process as soon as you perform all the steps mentioned above. A clean copy of Windows 10 will be installed on your system.

Fixing the Blue screen with Desktop access on Windows 10

If you have access to Desktop and see the Blue screen errors, the problem might lie with the old drivers or the applications that need to be updated.

The steps to check for updates and install them are:

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ app.
  2. Select the ‘Update and Security’ tab from the list.
  3. Tap on the ‘Windows Update’ option from the toolbar on the left.
  4. Tap on the ‘Check for Updates’ button to view the updates available.

The steps to install the new version of an old driver are:

  1. Open the ‘Device Manager’ by searching from the search bar.
  2. Open the device category and right-click on the device.
  3. A pop-up menu will appear. Click on the ‘Update Driver’ option.
  4. Select the ‘Search automatically for updated driver software’ option in the next window.

Any available updates will automatically get downloaded and installed. You can also remove the old drivers, applications, etc to avoid the Blue screen errors.

SOURCE:- How to Fix the Blue Screen Errors in Windows 10
