How to Use the Nintendo eShop to Add or Switch Accounts

Isn’t it fun playing online games with a bunch of people you vibe with? Without a doubt, that competent mood is worth the excitement. If you have your gang that uses Switch, each one of them can sign-in with their account on Nintendo Switch and play online. Not only this, but it also lets you make changes to your profile, use the Nintendo rewards, purchase from eShop, etc.

Have you thought of the most exciting thing of all? It is that you can share the online games purchased from eShop. For instance, if an individual had purchased a game online, you can add multiple accounts to a Switch and play without paying for the same.

Below is the guide on how to add and change the accounts using the Nintendo Switch, so let us get started!

How to Use the Nintendo eShop to Add or Switch Accounts

How to use Switch to add Multiple Nintendo Accounts?

Note: Only separate user accounts can be added to a Switch. Thus, you must have multiple user profiles.

The steps to add multiple Nintendo accounts to your Switch are:

  1. Go to your Nintendo Switch home screen and click on ‘System Settings.’
  2. Hit the ‘Users’ option from the left toolbar of the screen.
  3. Choose the profile you want to add to the Switch or click on the ‘Add User’ option
  4. Tap ‘Next’ and select a character for the profile and enter a username.

Note: The username you add will be visible to all the players.

  • Press ‘Ok’ for confirmation.
  • Next, click on the ‘Link Nintendo Account’ option.
  • If you want to create a new user profile, click on the ‘Sign in and Link’ option.
  • You can opt to sign in with an email address or a User ID. In case, you’re using Twitter, Facebook, or any other account, click on the ‘Sign in using a different account’ option.
  • Enter your login details and sign in.
  • You’ll receive a confirmation message about linking your account. Click ‘Ok’ to confirm and continue.

How to Change User Accounts Using eShop on Your Switch?

The steps to switch accounts on your Nintendo using eShop are:

  1. Go to the home screen of your Nintendo switch and select ‘eShop.’
  2. Tap on the user profile that you want to use to make purchases.
  3. If the on-screen instruction asks you to enter your password for the account, do the same.
  4. You’re ready to shop!

How to Play Games Online Using a Different Profile?

As mentioned earlier, it is a huge advantage when multiple Nintendo accounts are linked on a single Switch. Any purchase made from one account can be shared with all the other accounts. It is also to be noted that the game settings and ranks are saved separately in each user’s account.

The steps to play games online using multiple profiles on one Nintendo Switch are:

  1. Make a choice of the game you want to play.
  2. Choose a user profile to want to use to play the game.
  3. It’s done!

Isn’t it amazing that playing games online can be so easy, especially when you don’t have to purchase a game? All you need to do is link an account, and you’re done!

SOURCE:- How to Use the Nintendo eShop to Add or Switch Accounts
