Genshin Impact: Top 4-Star Weapons

 The new open-world RPG game Genshin Impact doesn’t need an introduction to explain its achievements. The developers of Genshin Impact have done a remarkable job of making this game. Currently, it is among the most popular games among the Mobile, PC, and PS4 players. In the game, players have to make their party and start their adventure. In the game, players have to battle against plenty of enemies, and for that, developers have added plenty of characters and weapons. Every character owns a different elemental ability and star rating, and the same thing is with weapons.

Because of the star rating, it becomes easy to identify weak and strong weapons. The strongest weapons in Genshin Impact are 5-Star weapons and then 4-Star weapons. However, acquiring 5-star weapons is tough, and the biggest thing to require 5-star weapons is luck. On the other hand, 4-star weapons are also not weak, but they can be acquired slightly easily. There are plenty of 4-star weapons available in Genshin Impact that players can use.

Some weapons require Battle Pass to unlock, while some require Wishes and quests to unlock. These procedures are completely different, but these are the only preferred way to unlock 4-Star weapons. Some weapons show more capabilities if used with the right character, but this requires proper information and experience. So if you are curious to know the powerful 4-star weapons and their abilities, here is the guide you should read.

Genshin Impact: Top 4-Star Weapons

Best 4-Star Sword Weapons in Genshin Impact

In Genshin Impact, plenty of popular swords users exist, including Qiqi, Jean, and player’s Traveler. Among several swords, these two are the most powerful 4-Star swords:

  • Sacrificial Sword: Obtained through Wishes
  • The Black Sword: Obtained through Battle Pass

The Black Sword increases the damage during both normal and charge attacks. It also restores the HP of the character. On the other hand, the Sacrificial Sword has the unique ability to remove the CD of the Elemental Skill.

Best 4-Star Bow Weapons in Genshin Impact

Currently, in Genshin Impact, only one 4-Star Bow is considered as the best Bow. Players usually use it along with the 5-Star bows. The following Bow is Viridescent Hunt. To unlock the Viridescent Hunt, players have to play the Battle Pass missions and reach the level that provides the Viridescent Hunt weapon. Undoubtedly this Bow is best of all, and players highly prefer it even if they don’t use a bow character. The ability of Viridescent Hunt is that it summons the cyclones to extremely damage the enemy.

Best 4-Star Catalyst Weapons in Genshin Impact

Similar to Bow, there’s only a once-powerful Catalyst weapon available in Genshin Impact. The Widsith is the only Catalyst weapon that players highly recommend to use with 5-Star weapons. Players can obtain it by making wishes. It offers some great benefits after acquiring, and the following benefits are:

  • Boost Base Attacks
  • Greatly Increase the Elemental Damage
  • Greatly Increase the Elemental Mastery

The following effects offer a DPS value to the party and can be way too deadly for the foes.

Best 4-Star Claymore Weapons in Genshin Impact

Among several Claymore weapons, two 4-Star weapons are highly reliable for the battle. These two weapons are:

  • Blackcliff Slasher: Acquired through Battle Pass
  • Serpent Spine: Acquired through Wishes

Blackcliff Slasher boosts a character’s attacks when the character defeats an enemy in the battle. It boosts the attacks up to three times. While the Serpent Spine increases the damage bonus for an equipped character. The longer character stays on the battlefield, the greater damage it deals.

Best 4-Star Polearms Weapons in Genshin Impact

Among all 4-Star Polearms weapons, two are truly incredible. The following two Polearms weapons are:

  • Blackcliff Pole: Acquired through Wishes
  • Deathmatch: Acquired through Battle Pass

The great thing about Blackcliff Pole is that it offers an attack buff every time the character defeats an opponent. Simultaneously, the Deathmatch can boost both defensive and attacking stats based on the number of enemies.


Weapons play a crucial part in Genshin Impact. While exploring the world of Genshin Impact, players will find plenty of vital items that will help them to upgrade the weapons. Every weapon requires different items for upgrading, which is why it is necessary to keep exploring always.

SOURCE:- Genshin Impact: Top 4-Star Weapons
