Dragon Ball Z: Why Are Power Levels Insignificant Now?

 The Dragon Ball universe is full of fierce warriors with unbelievable powers. One of the strongest races of them is the Saiyans, responsible for raising the best fighters of the show. But it would be wrong to presume that weak warriors don't have any way of getting stronger. Even those characters that are struggling to defend themselves can develop impressive attacks and techniques. It is made possible because of the use of Ki that can influence the Power Level. But, in the long run, do the Power Levels even matter? Let's try to understand them better to find out why, ultimately, they are not so helpful.

The concept of Ki is very important to understand the Dragon Ball universe. The Power Levels of a warrior is the amount of Ki that they have. Ki is a measure of someone's energy source and life force. It powers their potential, abilities, and strength. The explosive techniques utilized by the characters can only be done with the use of Ki. Power Levels later became a descriptor in Dragon Ball Z and were quite useful in giving a rough idea about the powers of newly introduced threats. The Saiyans used Scouters to track power levels, which allowed them to make an educated guess about the dangers of new enemies. It also helped them calculate the possibility of victory or defeat.

However, soon it became evident that Power Levels were not an adequate measure of a threat someone possesses.Dragon-Ball-ZThey can't say anything about the combat capabilities of a warrior. Moreover, Earth's heroes even developed effective techniques to hide power levels, which would make enemies underestimate their abilities. The Power Levels can be increased significantly when Saiyans go through near-death experiences or Namekian fusion, making previous Power Level estimates redundant. 

Power Levels also don't take into account specific techniques that are quite effective against foes. In the Namek Saga, Krillin played an important role, in which he almost killed a far more powerful Frieza using his Destructo-Disc. Even then, he ended up cutting off his tail. Another interesting character from the series, Captain Ginyu, can use his enemies' increased power level by his Body Change technique, irrespective of the power differences between them and their enemies. Figures like Semi-Perfect Cell can use attacks such as Self-Destruct to kill Goku, who is without much more powerful. 

If all of this was not enough, the Buu Saga makes the Power Level even more insignificant with Buu, Babiidi, and their magical attacks that have nothing to do with Ki. After the series reaches the dangers of Dragon Ball Super, the power level stops being a factor worth considering. The enormous amounts of powers and strengths on-hand for figures such as Beerus almost minimize other power levels to the point that they become insignificant. Goku's Ultra Instinct even helps him face far more powerful beings like Beerus. So, even though Power levels were significant from the point of storytelling earlier in the franchise, as the story progresses, they become less and less relevant than ever before. Now they have become an unnecessary and unreliable metric to judge the powers and threat of other characters.

SOURCE:- Dragon Ball Z: Why Are Power Levels Insignificant Now?
