How to Fix Windows 10 Discord Push to Talk

Discord is an application that enables you to communicate with your friends while playing games, or even when you’ve to connect socially. It is a Windows application that has a ‘Push to talk’ option, which cuts down all the background noise or disturbance while you’re connecting.

Discord can create operating issues sometimes due to third-party applications. Below, we shall talk about the ways to fix the ‘Push to talk’ feature of the Discord.

Make sure the voice and video panel of the application is working

Whenever you update your Windows with the latest version, it can disallow drivers on your computer to work. If you reselect the audio device in your Discord, it can fix the problem sometimes. If not, you can disconnect your headphones and try connecting it to a different USB port. You may also reconnect Bluetooth for it to work correctly.

The steps to reselect the audio device in your Discord are:

  1. Click on the settings icon on the bottom of the screen in the Discord application.
  2. Once the settings window appears, locate the ‘Voice and Audio’ tab and select the headset you’re currently using under ‘Input Device.’
  3. You may also check in the same settings window if your headset is working or not. Tap on the ‘Let’s Check’ button on the bottom left of the window and speak anything to check. An array of lights will appear on the screen if your headset is not creating an issue.

Following this method can fix the Discord error. Also, you may turn the slider on for ‘Show a warning when Discord is not detecting audio from your mic’ to let Discord notify you when it’s not catching your audio.

Re-check your headset and mic attached to Windows

Firstly, always keep your headset settings to default on the Discord and PC, both. To put it on default in the Discord application, go to the ‘Voice and Video’ settings and set an input/output device.

If you want to check the default sound device, go to the ‘sound settings’ and select an option from the list of menu.

Windows will make changes itself once you select a device and close the window.

Look over Admin settings

If you’re working with any application in the Administrator mode, the push-to-talk feature doesn’t work if the Discord isn’t set to the Administrator mode as well.

If you focus on any particular application, the input devices become inaccessible to any side applications. On the other hand, if you’re working with an application in Administrator mode, and Discord running in Normal mode, the Discord access to your Keyboard is rejected. Thus, it is important to run applications and Discord, both in the Administrator mode.

The steps to troubleshoot this issue are:

  1. Firstly, close the Discord application on Windows.
  2. Right-click on the application tab select the ‘Run as Administrator’ option.
  3. Turn the push-to-talk feature on, and try communicating through a call.

Check your Keybind set

The steps to check Keybind settings in Discord are:

  1. Go to the ‘Voice and Video’ settings in the Discord application on Windows.
  2. Click on the ‘Keybind Settings’ on the bottom of the window.

Note: Push-to-talk and Push-to-mute shouldn’t be set on the same key.

  1. Select a Keybind for Push-to-talk key from the drop-down menu.

Put voice and audio settings to Default

A reset of settings in the application makes it work better sometimes. The steps to reset the settings are:

  1. Go to the ‘Voice and Video’ settings window, and click on the ‘Reset Voice Settings’ button.
  2. Get to the Keybind window and select a Keybind.
  3. Once you’re done selecting the Keybind, make a voice call to check if it works.

Note: Make a note of your previous settings before putting it to reset.

Reach for Discord support

If all the above troubleshooting methods fail to fix the Discord application settings, you can reach the Discord webpage to seek support and request for guidance.

SOURCE:- How to Fix Windows 10 Discord Push to Talk
